Before and Afters from September
What our clients are saying…
“I can’t even tell you guys how glad I am that I did this.”
“I didn’t even know this type of organization existed.”
“My brother is going to be so jealous!”
This is the best money I’ve ever spent! Seriously, it’s worth every penny.”
I could have never done this on my own!”
“This move would have been a lot more stressful without y’all!”
“I’m so glad I called y’all! If I hadn’t I would just sit here and look at it and have no idea where to start.”
“I had to get talked into this. I could have never imagined it would be this good!”
“Y’all came up with some great little storage tricks too! I love that!”
This month we organized the following spaces:
Laundry Room
Master Closet
Purged for a move
Unpacked a whole house
Laundry Room
Master Closet
Two households completely unpacked
A Major Purge

This month, we helped our client prepare to merge households. When two households come together, you have to be ruthless with your purging! We promise you will purge more when you hire us because we are there to guide and help you through the entire process.